Hey, I'm Jenna Lloyd. 



I’ve not always worked in Women’s Health.


I spent almost 20 years marketing airline tickets and mattresses. I learned how to capture attention, make emotional connections, build communities and delight customers.

And then, I was diagnosed with secondary infertility. And so began the greatest learning journey of my life. 

I learned about growing through grief. A grief, it turns out, that is felt by 1 in 5 women who've experienced miscarriage and infertility.

And they all say the same thing, “why did no-one tell me this sooner”

For many, the ancient feminine wisdom about our bodies, and a deep trust in our knowing, has been lost.

Such is the shame around our pussy. We lack the fundamental, and instrumental, knowledge about our menstrual cycle and how that influences not only the major shifts in a women’s life — puberty, pregnancy, postpartum, perimenopause and menopause—but also how we show up day to day.

So, I offer up my craft as a marketer to shine a light on Women’s health. In the hope that my daughter, and all our children, grow up in a world rich with information about, and solutions for, the female experience.

Women's health brands face many struggles

  • Societal taboos around menstruation, menopause, fertility, and other women’s health issues 
  • Censorship from online advertising platforms that block their ads and shadow ban their content
  • Raising capital for issues suffered solely, differently, or disproportionately by women


As your Fractional CMO, I  turn them into opportunities 

  • Breaking down the stigma one campaign at a time
  • Emotional, memorable messaging that doesn't just attract followers, it starts the Mother of all movements.
  • Profitable growth showing you're a massive commercial opportunity for investors

What is it to work together?


I'm responsible for all your marketing outcomes. With weekly reports and quarterly plans, you'll know exactly what's working, what we're doing next— and why.


I'll create a positive, collaborative culture in your marketing team, and delegate tasks to keep each person in their genius zone whenever possible.


I know fast paced, always on entrepreneurial environments are intense. I seek to identify avoidable struggles, eliminate unnecessary stress and grow your business sustainably.

Made For More Marketing

I believe marketing was made for more than simply selling products.

It disrupts the status quo, changes attitudes, challenges stigmas, tackles taboos and saves lives.

I help founders, like you, who've done the hard part.

You identified a problem and, despite chronic underfunding in female health, you've created a trailblazing solution.

Now let's place it into the hands of those who need it most. Making the world healthier and happier as a result.

Give me a call. It's time we have some fun.


Case Studies

Pari Passu 

How we helped DTC challenger brand grow 150% in 12 months.

Pari Passu is a small, woman-owned and operated start-up. They had limited resources to invest in marketing and needed every dollar to deliver an outsized return. After implementing our 4 step growth strategy, Pari Passu's revenue grew 150%. They now sell in one month, what they used to sell in one year.  

"Jenna is one of the savviest marketers I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Strategic and creative, she is adept at understanding the challenges of a business and creating solutions that get results."
Shanna Goldstone
CEO and Founder, Pari Passu



How we helped DTC challenger brand Casper launch brick and mortar retail locations in Canada.

Casper— a global e-commerce company that sells sleep products— planned to open a string of retail shops in Canada, starting with Toronto. They were up against strong competition from popular Canadian based e-commerce Mattress company Endy, and established players like Sleep Country. We launched "Lights Off" — a campaign that was anything but sleepy.


 Recent Press

Transforming Women's Health

Podcast: How to create a Sales Stratagey

Casper's Ads Are Fun- Here's What Makes Them Effective

Casper Turns The Lights Down Low in Canada

Virgin Atlantic & Delta Open a Pub in London

Virgin Atlantic Launches a Podcast: The Venture

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